Monday, April 27, 2009

Accountability Monday...

Weeell, I didn't do too great on my goals BUT I didn't do too bad either. We got out 6 offers (check), I worked out 2 times instead of 3 (pseudo check) and I called one rent to own in the paper. This guy was a total ass and made me very self concious to call anyone else! I know, I need to get over it and move on - make those calls!

Goals for this week:
Work out 3x
Meet with the new local bank (hopefully tonight)
Get ad in paper for rent-to-own on my new 2BR house
Find renters for my last pain in the ass set of condos
Re-assess my strategies

I am closing on the 2BR house tonight. Well, I'm actually pre-signing and the actual closing is tomorrow. I put the contract on this house with an exit strategy of Rent-to-Own. However I put an ad in the paper for a quick sale and am having dismal results. Usually when I put my "Owner Desperate" ads in the paper I get loads of calls but not with this property. Of course this is making me very nervous about my price and the 2BR thing. I knew this was a sort of 'test' to see how well 2BR's went over and it's not looking good. I have had about 7-8 calls on it but not one has wanted to go through it. This is in a very sought after lake community and is the cheapest house in the area that doesn't need any work. The closest priced home is $10k higher and has foundation issues. We'll see...

Still have not put in renters in my condos. These things are just going to give me a headache. We did get an offer on 1 late last week but I think it is going to fall through. We'll see how that goes too.

What else?!? I think I am offering too much for properties. My offers going forward are going to be much, much lower. I started last week with one... It was going to be $50k and I changed it to $35k.

I'm sure there is more but I need to get back to work.


Steph said...

Don't let that guy deter you. Sometimes they are jerks like that when you are cold calling. It's a numbers game, and every once in awhile you'll hit the jackpot!

Eileen-WI said...

I called another guy yesterday from his "For Rent" sign down the street from my 2BR. He was very, very nice and we talked for about 15 minutes. Still not a buyer but got some great information on renting and will keep his number for reference. I just have to keep pluggin' away.