Friday, April 3, 2009

Offer making fool

Only have a minute... I've been submitting a TON of offers this week. There have been a couple of counters but nothing to write home about. The best counter was $8k below asking. The property is across the street from a very sought after lake which is great! But of course it needs a ton of work, has no garage, no driveway and is really kind of hard to get to. Can't be easy can it?! My offer was $30k and I'm going to take a look and see what I'll really pay.

Still haven't started reading my RE licensing course. And still haven't called the local bank. What the hell is wrong with me?!? Well I know why I haven't been reading my REL books, I've been finishing up the Harry Potter series. Has anyone read that?! I was against it for YEARS and was finally talked into reading it and loved, loved, loved it. I read the last one last night. It was awesome. I recommend it to anyone. So now no more excuses.

One more thing, a potential buyer went through the HUD I am closing later this month. Haven't heard if he is interested in buying but boy howdy would that be great. We have not had one of those in a while.

Gotta run... everyone have a great weekend!!

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