Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The "house from hell" deall fell apart

I could just puke...


Matt said...

Hang in there. Things are always the worst right before they start to get better.

Shae said...

Sorry Eileen :-(

Eileen-WI said...

Thanks guys. Yeah it stinks but I've been trying to keep positive. I have a very bad habit of focusing on the negative and my new goal is to switch my thought process to the positive. Sounds simple enough to some but for me... not so easy. I'm focusing on that though!

Shae said...

I agree that sometimes its not easy...for me, what I do is once the negative thought comes I say the opposite thing out loud to change it around. And depending on the circumstance I will say it multiple times and throughout the day! Have a good day Eileen!

Kelly said...

Dang it! I admire your strength. It isn't all. I agree with what Shae said. I have to do the same thing.