Monday, March 29, 2010

It's been a long time in posting!

Hope everyone had a good weekend! We did a lot of nothing and it was great! Well, we did decide to grab some burgers Saturday night for dinner instead of cooking so it took some effort to get everyone in the car : )

The closing for our FHA buyer was supposed to be this Wednesday but it has been extended. I guess she could not supply her lender with proof of child support? Not sure but her mom has decided to help her out so things should be good to go. The lender has pretty much guaranteed that this will close it is just a matter of when (and he wants it done asap!).

The buyers for our second closing have their inspection today. I'm hoping they do not find anything major! We had the furnace inspection checked and it was fine. We had the water turned on last week and plumbing was NOT fine! Urrghh... These are the worst plumbing problems I've had since starting! Honestly I couldn't even give you a list of things right now b/c there are so many but it is all fixed and ready to go. The well inspection is this week and I'm hoping and praying that it comes back ok. If the well inspection comes back with tainted water our profits are all just about out the window. Dave thinks that most of the neighbors are on the same well so it should be good (this is a private street with about 5 houses so he may be right?). We'll see but I'm keeping positive thoughts. This closing is not until May unless they want to push it up.

Tomorrow is the closing of our 3rd HUD this year. This is the one I am partnering with my realtors broker. I haven't talked much about this b/c I'm not really doing anything with it (not intentionally)! I asked my realtor what price she was going to list and she said $99k which I think is way too low. If I closed on it myself, I would start it at $109k and see what happened. When she told me I was shocked and asked her why. She said she doesn't want her broker to have to sit on it. Whatever!

We do not have anything else under contract. I have been submitting offers but nothing accepted yet... bummer! As always, it seems to come in waves so I'm hoping my next "wave" will crash soon! I've been trying to get my rental refi'd with another bank so it would free up my LOC but she hasn't been getting back to me. I am going to call her this week - again - to see what's up. I also have my 30 minute call scheduled for tomorrow regarding private money getting. If I can line up private money I think my business would definately soar to the next level! I feel like I am at a hump I just can't quite make it over... YET! I'm trying to put pieces of the ladder in place in order to get over that hump! Lining up private money would certainly help!

Okay, gotta run. Have a great week!

1 comment:

brickslayer said...

Came across this site, I have so much to offer to this "flip" process but haven't found the right investor. Not too familiar with ths blog deal but my contact is if anyone in the southeast WI/IL area is interested in contacting me to work together to make real turn over money.... BTW I am a speciality contractor that is willing to put up all costs to make a property sell able on every angle.