Friday, March 19, 2010


Not much new to report this week. The appraisal for our closing (with our buyer) at the end of the month was submitted Monday. My realtor called the listing agent yesterday to see if she had an update and she hasn't heard anything. At this point we're hoping no news is good news. If for some reason this falls through there has been a TON of activity on the property since we got it under contract. I'm hopeful we will close successfully on the 31st though!

The property I am partnering on was delayed (b/c of me) until the end of the month. It was supposed to close on the 16th but now it is set for the 30th. I will be lucky if I make a whopping $2k on this deal. Woo Hoo. BUT, as my dad would say, it's better than a sharp stick in the eye. I have to keep reminding myself of that! ha, ha.

We got an offer on our Waterford property from the guys who emailed me late last week. We have been going back and forth but I think we should have it signed by Monday. There are 3 buyers on that deal so it takes them some time to get all the signatures & fax back. We are not making as much as I thought but, if all goes well, it should definately be a decent payday.

We looked at a bunch of short sale properties last weekend and submitted 2 offers this week. There were also a bunch of HUD's that were listed this week. I am eye-balling one that could be a great payday if I can get it where I need it. It is actually a re-list so I'm hoping they will be agreeable to the lowball offer I am going to submit : ) We can't submit for over a week though due to the owner occupants getting first pick. Anyhoo, we are going to see it this weekend.

This weekend I am dedicating most of my time to tax preparation. I have to organize all my documents from the properties I bought and sold last year. My appointment is set up for Monday afternoon so I want to have the majority of my documents ready for my accountant. I'm sure I'll be missing some things but if I have most of it, I (and she) will be happy. As we all know, I lack in the organization department so I'm going to TRY and remain calm through the paperwork!

Hmmmm, what else? Oh yeah, I never heard back from the private money blueprint people so I could set up my 30 minute phone call. I took it off my list of "to do's" because I sent the email and just realized this week that they never emailed me back. That's irritating. I just sent another email...

Okay, I guess that's it for now. Here's to everyone having a great weekend!!

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