Thursday, April 1, 2010

Organizing for Private Money

Hello All! Hope everyone is having a good week.

This week I am trying to focus on getting my power point presentation together in order to present our program to potential private money lenders. This past weekend I opened the PP presentation so I could modify it and found that I only have a PP reader on my home computer... WTF?!?! So, I've been trying to modify it at work but have not been successful at completing it yet. My "due date" is Tuesday so I'm probably going to have to download something at home, not sure yet. However, I am getting excited about the potential I have ahead of me. I have not taken my eyes off my the prize, which is my completion date of August 2011. This week at work has been very slow and I feel like I am wasting my time by sitting around and talking. It's nice to have a break but there is so much I need to do re: REI but cannot do it all at work. I do too much as it is! At any rate, I asked my realtor and one of my buyers to write up a testimonial for my presentation and both said yes. I have to say I was really, really nervous about calling my buyer but I literally said - out loud - "what the hell, just call him" and I did.

No updates on the FHA closing. Seems good to go at this point.

The inspection on the Wind Lake property (HUD #2) showed electrical problems (shocker after the plumbing!). We negotiated and that's taken care of. Now I'm just waiting on the well inspection report and I should get that back tomorrow *crossing fingers*.

I am going to look at a couple other properties this weekend. I picked 3 specifically b/c they were in the county my one bank lends. It has frozen/broken pipes but if the rest of the house is decent, there might be a deal? We'll see. Also looking at a HUD a little further north as it looks like a great deal! I NEED to get another property under contract and keep this momentum going!!

Wish me luck!

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