Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Good thing and some not so good things...

The good thing... we ended up getting that other HUD under contract. I told you I was going to submit an offer a week until I got it for what I wanted? I resubmitted on Monday and they came down another 10% so I got it at the $55k I wanted. This one definately needs to be inspected though. Not as nice of updates at the others but in a good area.

The bad thing... my husband Dave's brother in law's mother passed away this past Sunday. She had a severe stroke a couple months ago but she seemed to be doing okay. On December 8th she went in to hospice and then passed on the 20th. Very sad. She was a lovely woman and many, many people will miss her. I know she is much more comfortable where she is now though!!

Another not so good thing... I bought the book of the month club book "Million Dollar Habits" by Brian Tracy. Do you think I cracked in open? Uuhhh, no. However I did read the third book in the Twighlight saga (don't give me any crap, it sucks but I need to know how it ends - and DON'T tell me).

Yet another not so good thing... I have not even thought about my goals for 2010. Well, I've thought about how many houses I want to flip but that's about it.... Not true. I know I want to do the triathlon again and complete it at a better time than I did last yeart. There, that's 2. I would also like to be more organized. Easier said than done...

Well, I've got some things to work on don't I??? I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a HAPPY/prosperous New year!!


Steph said...

You've still got a week to read the book of the month- plenty of time! :)

I'm still working on my 2010 goals, too, so don't feel bad...

Congrats on your successes this year, Eileen- hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

Shae said...

You're a rockstar, Eileen!

By the way, I read that book in 4 days (a couple chapters a day)so you can do it too...and you already have a headstart on your 2010 goals, so you're doin' pretty good if you ask me. Besides, you've been closing deals and paying off credit card debt. So don't give YOURSELF any crap.

Sorry to hear about your family's loss. I know its particularly hard for a family during the holidays - they will be in my prayers tonight.

Merry Christmas again, Eileen!