Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th - not having a great week.

The $50k HUD property I was 99% sure we were going to get was sold to someone else. They actually bid $62k when it was listed at $50k. I guess the wanted the house... bad?! I'm still watching to see if it comes back on the market, for some reason a lot of them pop back up. However, I hate to say I'm pretty sure this one is solid. Urrgh. In my neck of the woods HUD homes sit for a while but not this one!

We were set to look at another HUD tonight that's been on the market for a looong time. I looked this morning and it is sold. What the F*$K?!?!?! Frustration sets in.

My meeting with Michelle's broker did not go as I had hoped. I AM getting mls access, I think but I'm sure I'll still have to push for it. He left me a little more confused rather than anyting else. Unfortunately I don't have the time to go into details now.

We were set to show the single mom the HUD property we're closing on Monday, Tuesday night but now she is going out of town. So we cannot show this (to her) until next week. There is someone else rather eager to get in and we can't show her until next weekend. What's another week, right? Anyway, I got 2 ads going in the papers and I think I'm going to list with my realtor for $69k. We'll see how it goes.

What else? We are just coming SOOO CLOSE to getting properties under contract but nothing has been solidifying! Next year I really want to focus on getting 1 property under contract a month and selling 1 per month. This was my goal this year but unfortunately we did not successfully complete that goal. I believe we are going to have to make some tweaks to our processes in order to accomplish this goal. Maybe put in some offers on short sales? We will not be doing another letter campaign in the near future though. The short sale offers would be through my realtor. The one thing I KNOW I have to do, and soon, is organize myself. I'm very, very, very bad and getting and staying organinzed. My office is embarrassingly unorganized. It's a wonder I can flip one house, let alone have a goal of 1/month!

Anyway, I have to go. Everyone have a good weekend and keep making those offers!!


Kelly said...

It's interesting hearing how everyone is not as organized as they want to be. :) I thought I was the only one.

I'm waiting to hear about your MLS access and how that all turns out.

Keep kickin' butt!

Steph said...

I'm also a member of the Unorganized Club. Actually, I'm the President. :)

I don't know if it's the same with you, Eileen, but it seems like any time I have a string of bad things happening to me, if I just hunker down and keep busting my butt, I always have a breakthrough shortly thereafter. I don't know why it happens that way- maybe it's the universe testing me...

Anyway, just keep on moving forward- you know the drill. :)

Eileen-WI said...

Steph if you are the president than I am the CEO - ha, ha. I usually put everything (and I mean everything) in to a great big pile and organize about twice a YEAR! How can someone work like this? I also have 1/2 my stuff at my job and 1/2 my stuff at home. It's hard to keep things straight! But, I'm happy to report that I did organize this morning. At least my flipping paperwork is fairly organized. And I have determined that I need to get copies of 2 HUD statements for my taxes. I can't seem to find them.... urgh... sigh.

Yes, I also agree that I get a string of bad luck and then something pops. It's just very frustrating going through the 'bad luck time'. I can't seem to get consistant in buying/selling which is obviously what I am shooting for. BUT, I will just keep submitting offers and hoping we'll get something to pop. I wanted one more before the end of the year so I gotta run!

Kelly, I will update you with the mls access. They are apparently having a meeting next week.