Monday, December 15, 2008

More condo saga

Our closing on Friday went off without a hitch... weell, not quite but almost. At the last minute we were able to schedule the closing for the 2nd set of condos on the same day. There was some running around that needed to be done but whoever needed to "get it done"... got it done. With that said I didn't see the HUD statement for the 2nd closing until about 1pm on Friday. It showed my downpayment as being 28% of purchase price and the email stated I needed to bring over $4k in certified funds to closing. WTF? No, uh uh. I called my mortgage gal and we got it straightened out. She was questioning it too when I called.

But before all that went down I got an email from the newspaper I was going to place my ad to sell/lease option these things. She told me my ad didn't get in the paper b/c my credit card was declined. What? I had just used my debit card and I had plenty of money in it. Not only that but even if I didn't have any money my bank "fronts" me the money for a fee. So why the hell is it getting declined? I called her to be sure she had the right number. She took the number again and said it would be run that night (by corporate) and she would let me know today. She called me this morning and told me it was declined again. WTF? I used it ALL weekend for Christmas shopping and had no problem! We have to get this figured out before Thursday at 9am or it doesn't get in the paper again. We need to be advertising these things like crazy!

However, it is listed on the mls. I signed a listing agreement with my agent on Friday. She told me then that her broker might have an interested party. We'll see what comes of it. I'm sure nothing b/c he hasn't even gone through the properties yet but she has been telling me about him for 2 weeks : ) Anyway, originally I was planning on holding these but now that they are mine I'm nervous. I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a landlord?!?! We'll see how that goes if it comes down to it. Our price is $119k each with the next condo priced at $169,500. Since any buyer would need 20% down (b/c of the non-warrantability "thing") I am thinking I will offer a 6% credit (I think that's the max FHA will accept), make sure the buyer can put down 4% themselves and then carry a note for the remaining balance. If I do this we should still make a pretty penny on each unit. However, I need to confirm that my lender will accept a seller backed note for 10% of the downpayment. I have a call in to her but she hasn't called me back yet. I'm trying to come up with any ideas on how to get the buyer to a 20% downpayment. Any and all suggestions taken.

Now that I've rambled on I am going to run... everyone have a good night!
I feel like I've been rambling on so I am going to run. Nothing else is happening. I've backed off on submitting offers b/c I have the other 2 in the pipeline and not sure I will be able to get rid of them quickly.

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