Thursday, June 4, 2009

Baby Steps

As I stated in my last post I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now. I know what my issues are (at least some of them) and need to attack them the best I can. One of my issues is time management. Since my husband has gone back to work my RE time has gone waaay down and my stress level has gone waaay up. Of course it's a good thing that he's back to work but it can definately be challenging trying to work things into my schedule. I feel like I've got a million things on my plate and one of the reasons I feel that way is b/c I am not organized. I am a terrible procrastinator and terribly unorganized. It's a wonder I make it through a day sometimes (I'm sure you will find this quote in earlier posts - heehee). At any rate, my first "baby step" was to get out a handheld notebook given to me by my title company 2 months ago. I've been writing my 'to dos' in the book all week and I've actually accomplished a lot. I'm feeling very good/productive about that. I need to keep this up and more productive actions will follow suit!


Shae said...

Good goin' Eileen! I was chatting with a close friend of mine yesterday who is going through a similar situation as me (and you)...she's trying to retire herself from the cubicle to pursue her businesses full time. Anyway, she reminded me yesterday of something important...that motivation doesn't encourage action, but rather action breeds motivation. A basic law of object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

So as long as we keep up productive actions (no matter how big or small) and don't let the "unbalanced forces" get in our way, we're good to least we're moving forward.

Have a good one.

Eileen-WI said...

Thanks Shae, I couldn't have said it better!!